
This page is a work in progress. Eventually I would like to have it in table form arranged by subject, but for now I’ll just have links. Here are papers that are really too long for blog format. I thought about just uploading them as Word documents, but that would limit their accessibility. Coding the formatting and footnotes in html would be tiresome, so I just decided on PDF files.

A word on copyright: Any Christian church where the Word is faithfully preached and the Sacraments faithfully administered may use this material for the advancement of the Gospel of Christ with or without attribution, for or not for profit; otherwise, you may use it how you wish as long as you attribute it to Bo Grimes and do not print or publish it for personal or corporate financial gain.

American Religious History

The Divine Dramatist: A Review of Harry S. Stout’s The Divine Dramatist: George Whitefield and the Rise of Modern Evangelicalism.”


Thomas Merton: American Mystic


Holding Wonder Like A Cup This is the first sermon I ever preached. It is based on John 21, the story of Peter’s restoration on the beach after the resurrection. It is about the importance of cultivating wonder as a spiritual discipline.

Come, Grow, Go This is a sermon on what it means to be a disciple, based on Luke 14 and Matthew 10, the “cost of discipleship” passages. It was preached on September 9th, 2007 at our church’s kick-off to its educational year.

What’s in a Name? “The world is always tempting us to get our identity from something or someone other than God. Maybe in this season more than any other, it is telling us to consume rather than to contemplate, to rush rather than to rest, calling us to parties rather than to prayer, to work rather than to worship, tempting us into debt rather than exhorting us into discipleship, beckoning us to malls rather than to the manger. ” Preached on January 30th, 2011

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