
Stanley Hauerwas: Collected on-line articles, interviews and resources by my favorite theologian, who’s book inspired the name of this blog.

The Ekklesia Project “is a network of Christians from across the Christian tradition who rejoice in a peculiar kind of friendship rooted in our common love of God and the Church. ”

Biblical Training: exists to help make new and fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. Our vision for accomplishing this is to create world-class educational resources that can be used within the local church.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Building up the church by making classic Christian writings available and promoting their use.

The Thoughtful Christian:   The Thoughtful Christian is a Web-based resource center designed to attract and keep participants’ attention. Perfect for Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, or individual reflection, the studies encourage class members to share their thoughts and beliefs while wrestling with questions that inform the way we live out our faith in everyday life.

The Veritas Forum: Veritas Forums are university events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life’s hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life. Download mp3s and .mov files of many of the talks by some of the greatest Christian thinkers of our time.

Our Daily Bread: A Theology and Practice of Sustainable Living: This was Duke Divinity school’s 2007 Pastor’s School and Convocation. It was fantastic. Wendall Berry and Wes Jackson gave talks, but the highlight for me was Norman Wirzba. I do not know how long Duke will keep this site up, probably until the next one, so download the audio files of the talks while you can.

The Tertullian Project: A collection of material ancient and modern about the ancient Christian Latin writer Tertullian and his writings.

The Denver Journal The journal of the Denver Theological Seminary offers on-line articles on Biblical and Theological topics.

Lift Up Your Hearts: Paul Bosch’s Worship Workbench. This site offers practical teaching about Christian worship and the preparation of liturgy. Pastor Bosch offers these essays as “shop-talk for worship leaders” with the wish that they be useful, provocative and entertaining. While pastor Bosch speaks to the particular context of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, much of what he offers is broadly accessible to the ecumenical community.

The Text This Week: Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources

Codex:  Resources for Biblical, Theological, and Religious Studies maintained by Tyler F. Williams

Love Abounding, Newsletter Template:  This is the template I use for a weekly newsletter I write to include in our bulletin to give the congregation news about what’s going on in Christian education, increase knowledge of church seasons, liturgy and the readings, and to serve as an aid for “Parenting in the Pew.” Here is a sample.  It’s free for use.

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